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Ideal Concepts Celebrates Insurance Awareness Day

Our sales management team explains the importance of having insurance and why they work in the industry

June 28th is National Insurance Awareness Day! On this day, people are reminded to review their insurance plans to ensure that their coverage meets their families’ needs.

To celebrate National Insurance Awareness Day, Ideal Concepts’ sales management team sat down to talk about the importance of having health insurance and why they're passionate about working in the health insurance industry.

The Importance of Insurance and Preparing for the Future

If you don’t have health insurance or need better coverage, speak with one of our agency partner’s licensed agents to discuss the options available to you. Call 866-WWW-iWEB to get started!

It’s also important to consider how future events can impact your health coverage. When there’s a change in your situation, also called a qualifying life event, you may become eligible for a Special Enrollment Period. During this time, you’ll be able to sign up for new coverage!

Here are some examples of qualifying life events:

  • Getting married
  • Turning 26 years old
  • Moving to a new ZIP code or county
  • Having a baby
  • Gaining U.S. citizenship

Whether you have a wedding in a few weeks or are expecting a baby in a couple months, now’s a good time to discuss health insurance options with a licensed agent. They’ll be able to discuss the options available to you so that you can make an informed decision when it’s time to decide.

Why Our Sales Managers Work in the Insurance Industry

If you're interested in joining our awesome team, apply for one of the available positions on our Careers page! We have opportunities in a variety of departments, including:

  • Recruiting
  • IT
  • Sales

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