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Ideal Concepts Named 4th Fastest Growing Company

Lehigh Valley Business named Ideal Concepts #4 in the Lehigh Valley for growth over the past three years

Ideal Concepts, Inc. was named Lehigh Valley Business’s fourth Fastest Growing Company for 2018. The list, put out by Lehigh Valley Business, ranks local companies by revenue growth over a three-year period, with both dollar and percentage increases taken into consideration. The 45 fastest-growing companies were announced last month, and Ideal Concepts’ #4 spot was revealed this morning during a breakfast ceremony.

With a staggering 864% jump in revenue from 2014 to 2017, this is the second time in a month Ideal Concepts was recognized for its growth. The company also nabbed a top spot on the national Inc. 5000 list, ranking in the top 11% of listed companies nationally- #6 among insurance-related businesses.

Lehigh Valley Business publisher Mike O’Rourke touted all of the list-makers’ accomplishments and contributions to the local economy. Just two years ago, Ideal Concepts had less than 20 full time employees in the Lehigh Valley. By end of 2018, they’ll have more than quadrupled that number.

Ideal Concepts President John Pequeno credits his dedicated team to their rapid and continuous growth. “It’s difficult to maintain 700, 800% growth year over year. The higher your revenue climbs, the more challenging it is to continue at that same pace. I think much of our success lies in recruiting the right candidates and investing in our employees.”

John expects this to just be the first year Ideal Concepts makes the cut. The company’s five year plans include expanding to approximately 500 Lehigh Valley employees. Projected job openings will a range from computer engineering, marketing, sales, customer service, and recruiting.

As a leading technology company, Ideal Concepts anticipates continuing to hire both new college graduates and seasoned professionals to fill a plethora of positions.

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