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UHC Names Ideal Concepts a Top Producer

UnitedHealthcare recently named Ideal Concepts, Inc. a Top National Producer across all individual health product lines

President John Pequeno and Vice President of Sales Michael Zitzke

UnitedHealthcare recently named Ideal Concepts, Inc.’s agency partner a Top National Producer across all individual health product lines.

Ideal Concepts President John Pequeno said, “Ideal Concepts, Inc.’s agency partner is proud to be recognized by UnitedHealthcare once again as a top producer. We’ve had a long, symbiotic partnership with United. They’ve always been one of our most dependable carrier partners, and we are eager to continue our successful relationship marketing UHC products across the country.”

The awards were given out during UnitedHealthcare’s annual Field Marketing Organization (FMO) Advisory Trip. Mr. Pequeno added, “Ideal Concepts’s agency partner is always honored to be included in the annual FMO Advisory Trip, which gives top producers intense training opportunities, as well as the chance to offer key feedback on broker experience. We were excited to learn about the new products they are launching in 2019 to fit the changing individual health insurance market.”

Ideal Concepts’ agency partner and UnitedHealthcare have been dedicated partners for more than a decade. UHC continues to be a valued partner and dynamic market leader based on their broad product selection, which fits all of their clients’ needs.

This is the fourth year in a row that UHC recognized Ideal Concepts’ agency partner as a Top National Producer.

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