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Ideal Concepts’ agency partner Is Hiring New Sales Agents

Ideal Concepts, Inc.’s agency partner is always looking for experienced sales agents to sell ACA approved Health and Life insurance to individuals across the country

Ideal Concepts, Inc.’s agency partner is always on the lookout for talented, experienced sales people to join our team of over 2,500 agents. They do training at the home office in Allentown, PA for in-house agents, and they do remote training for select agents across the country. Agents are earning an average of $100,000 to $150,000 dollars a year helping individuals navigate the complex atmosphere of individual health insurance. The new SalesRadix platform provides free leads, a dialer and cutting-edge sales technology to make sure you're taking full advantage of this growing market. If you're interested in learning more about sales opportunities with Ideal Concepts’ agency partner, please visit the Careers page, or check out the Indeed.com page today!

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